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A custom tracking system that streamlines the complex grant process for medical clinics.

Industry: Finance
Year: 2022 -2023
Ideation workshops  |  UX/UI Design  |  Software development  |  Quality Assurance  |  Project Management
Project Description
HealthConnect Networks (HCN), a top-notch telecommunications firm, provides subsidized healthcare networks to US medical facilities. To enhance efficiency, HCN partnered with Freeport Metrics for an overhaul of their subsidy management system, transitioning away from outdated Microsoft Access and Excel tools. The goal was to boost productivity, minimize errors, and streamline operations.
Manual and time-consuming tracking
HCN's reliance on Microsoft Access and Excel created cumbersome operations.

Human errors in data
Repetitive data input led to errors and inconsistencies in application process.

Absence of effective tracking system between departments HCN struggled with tracking contract statuses, expiration dates, and categories effectively.

Addressing Legacy Database Issues:
HCN's MS Access database had evolved over years, leading to duplicate and inconsistent data.
Redefined Tasks with a Web Tracker:
We implemented an easy-to-navigate task tracker divided into stages, steps, and tasks. This system allowed users to upload documents, mark calendar dates, and tag each other in comments, ensuring no details were missed.

Easier Data Management with Azure, SharePoint, and Outlook:
Integration with Azure Active Directory and SharePoint was key in streamlining document management. Additionally, integrating with Microsoft Outlook allowed users to send emails directly from the application, ensuring all sent emails were reflected in the user's Outlook mailbox.

Maintained Sync with a Notification System:
We implemented an advanced notification system to keep all departments up-to-date on project changes, reducing financial risks associated with missed deadlines.

Form Automation:
To minimize the risk of errors from repeated, manual data entry, we equipped the system to auto-populate forms and tables. This feature significantly reduced manual errors and ensured data consistency.
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