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A mobile app that revolutionizes dating communities.

Industry: Entertainment
Year: 2022 - 2024
Ideation workshops  |  UX/UI Design  |  Software development  |  Quality Assurance  |  Project Management
Project Description
Keepler is the first online community centered around dating, built to help people strengthen their sense of self and find connection along the way. The Keepler community is a place where users/people can grow and learn new skills, share their romantic journeys and be their most authentic selves. This place provides the opportunity to connect with experts and peers and, if and when they are ready, meet someone new in a friendly, supportive environment.
Dating apps provide experiences that are artificial and do not allow you to truly get to know the other person
The typical 'swiping left or right' on dating apps strips the online dating experience of authenticity and can be isolating for users.

Increasing engagement in the app
As Keepler is a Community app, it is very important to keep traction and engagement high. Users may lose interest in conversations if they do not find them engaging or relevant to their interests.

Sense of security and inclusiveness
The app must encourage respectful communication, non-discrimination, and responsible use of the app's features. Every user is an important part of the community on Keepler, so it is crucial that everyone feels secure.
Connections built on values
Instead of a regular dating app, Keepler offers users a community-type app where they can share their experiences and talk about their values so that they can really get to know each other. Each user can add a Wheel of Life to their profile as a form of visualization of aspects of life that are important to them.

Welcoming and reassuring atmosphere
The app fosters collaboration and belonging, encouraging users to help each other and build confidence in their interactions. The Ask'N'Give section uses tags to connect users seeking help or offering support. For those feeling overwhelmed, the Inner Circle group chat offers a safe, inclusive space for sharing experiences with a consistent group.

Inbox availability, Code of Conduct and reporting system
Users can control how much they disclose and their inbox accessibility to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Detailed Code of Conduct and Community Guidelines outline unwanted behavior to reassure users. A reporting system lets users report harassment or discrimination, which the app's team investigates.
FM Ventures have been true partners in the creation of Keepler! We wanted a design and development team that would bring their personal as well as their professional experiences to the table. As a result, our app has benefitted from both the freewheeling brainstorming sessions and the structured sprints.
Rachel Abramowitz
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