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Expanding the future of digital comics and novels with VoyceMe.

Industry: Entertainment
Year: 2021 - 2023
Ideation workshops  |  UX/UI Design  |  Software development  |  Mobile development  |  Quality Assurance  |  Project Management
Project Description
The growing trend for webcomics is inevitable, and with it comes the need to build market-driven solutions. Seeing the switch to digital reading, VoyceMe came to Freeport Metrics to enlarge their outreach. Through the VoyceMe website and iOS & Android mobile apps, you can discover free comics and novels or share your manga, webtoons, novels, manhwa, and more.
Market-driven demand for designing an application
VoyceMe didn’t have an application to meet the needs of its customers. A market-driven demand, however, made the company look for a software house to design and build an app for manga lovers.

“Discover” screen change for elaborate user experience
Due to inadequate user engagement, VoyceMe decided to introduce specific changes in the “Discover” screen to make it more responsive and user-friendly.

Long-requested web version redesign taken over from the previous developing team
Freeport Metrics took over the web version design from the previous team of developers, so a need to adjust coding and UX/UI elements appeared to make them fit a new advanced vision.
Voyceme Case study
Android and iOS applications designed from scratch
Seeing the call to create an app for VoyceMe, we invested in the development process. Our team took part in design and maintenance tasks. We also connected the app with the functionality of the App Store and Google Play.

New “Discover” page redesign
Freeport Metrics faced a need to redesign a “Discover” page version taken over from the previous team of developers. We helped VoyceMe fix the bugs and include data tracking tools (Google Analytics), mp4 in chapters, background audio, and more.

Implementation of new features
VoyceMe is a promising project offering much room for new features to be implemented soon. Freeport Metrics has given a fresh impetus to introduce new monetization features to support the creators and ensure early access to content for manga lovers.
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